Sunday, April 30, 2017

box of chocolates...

A lot of you must wonder why I don't talk about  my mum on here. Truth be told, I really did not know her. Apart from sometimes seeing her at supper---very occassionally. She spent so many hours at work that our paths rarely crossed. On the odd occassion that I saw her, she usually was sleeping. At that time, it was not uncommon for people in the nursery industry (greenhouse) to work 90 hours a week. 

My one real regret is that by the time I left school, my mum was really more like a person I just happened to know. That is why you will mainly read stories of my grandfather, my nan and uncles.

I regret it, but that's life. 

As Forest gump says in the film: "life is a box of chocolates-- you don't know which one you will get."


  1. Aww! I loved your writing! Keep em coming! Cheers!

    1. Thank you so much @sophi wanderer! I sure will. Thank you for the support.

  2. life is like a box of chocolate.I like this prase!

    1. Indeed... :) thank you so much for taking time to read the blog. There will be a lot more, coming.

  3. What a lovely story, thank you for sharing this x


Worst time, to be a man-child!

Let me start by saying that "no child who is on the edge of becoming a man should be told that he has a baby sister" like this. ...