Saturday, April 29, 2017

served my time and what a surprise!!!

As I was saying in my last post after being taken home by the village bobby Fred, for scrumping (stealing apples), I did my two weeks of hell sitting in my bedroom for eighteen hours a day going stir crazy, wondering if all my friends had forgotten I existed ( as it turns out they had all visited and been told I was grounded).

When the day came for my release into the world, a reformed character: my grandfather (Joe) said "before you go play with your friends have you learned your lesson?" so I  said "yes I had and would never do it again." Then I remembered what my grandfather said to Fred, the local bobby. So I asked my grandfather "what did you mean by you will give that policeman a little extra when you saw him at the pub?" He said "when you're a bit older I will teach you but for now I will explain. Way before you were born your grand mother and I had nine hungry children to feed so to make ends meet I would go poaching for rabbits and sometimes deer on the local farm estate(owned by a lord whose name I have forgotten.. sorry). My policy was always only kill what you need. But one day, I was unlucky and got caught by the local bobby (guess who? Fred) But instead of taking me in, he said he would have some deer from me to turn  a blind eye and when he brought you home, I had to do some extra poaching for two extra pheasants to keep him quiet. So you see I was not angry for you scrumping. I was angry because you got caught."


  1. What a crazy childhood memory. I remember that feelings of missing out on everything.

  2. Thank you Kelly nice to know it gets people thinking.


Worst time, to be a man-child!

Let me start by saying that "no child who is on the edge of becoming a man should be told that he has a baby sister" like this. ...